uploads/right winger.jpg

right winger 右翼分子。


So very surprised that , in my game soon after , i use positive in midfield run and vicious steals , successfully robbed the ball from the other side , and then the ball right winger assigned to the team , a former field two of the three attacks , i easily encircled drugs teammates xiadechuanzhong break will go down 2 0 令非常意外的是,在我上場后不久,我在中場利用積極的奔跑和兇狠的搶斷,成功將對方的球搶劫下來,然后將球分到右側邊路的隊友,在前場形成三打二的情況下,我輕松地接應隊友的下底傳中包抄破門,將比分改寫為2比0 。

[ color = navy ] it ' s spain ' s international left - back versus spain ' s international right winger on wednesday night at stamford bridge as the two young guns of iberian football go head - to - head in the champions league 作為伊比利亞足球的兩名后起之秀,西班牙左后衛德爾奧爾諾和右邊路球員華金將在周三斯坦福喬球場進行的冠軍杯比賽中碰面。

It ' s spain ' s international left - back versus spain ' s international right winger on wednesday night at stamford bridge as the two young guns of iberian football go head - to - head in the champions league 作為伊比利亞足球的兩名后起之秀,西班牙左后衛德爾奧爾諾和右邊路球員華金將在周三斯坦福喬球場進行的冠軍杯比賽中碰面。

He joined the party and turned out to be a wolf in sheep ' s clothing because he was sent to infiltrate our group for the extreme right wingers 他加入了我們的黨,結果卻是一只披著羊皮的豺狼,因為他是被極右分子派來混在我們的團體之中的。

Marchionni has been played on the left hand side by ranieri , rather than his usual right winger position 拉涅利安排小馬負責左路的進攻,而不是他更熟悉的右路。

Do you see ramos as a centre - back or a right winger 你覺得拉莫斯適合打中衛還是適合打邊后衛?